Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Earlier in this century, a scientific researcher “proved” that bumblebees could not fly and they were a freak of nature. Then thirty or forty years later, another scientific researcher proved that bumblebees could fly. Most individuals with common sense have long since agreed that bumblebees fly.

Some foods, such as garlic and ginseng cause an enhanced feeling of physical well-being in many individuals and have been used for hundreds of years. But because researchers cannot find how or why garlic and ginseng cause an enhanced feeling of physical well-being, the “Bumblebees Can’t Fly” mentality overrules reason and logic.

The UC Berkeley Wellness Letter reports in two studies that garlic has no effect on people with elevated cholesterol levels. The test lasted 12 weeks. The Berkeley Letter goes on to report that “There’s no clear evidence that garlic supplements have any health benefits.”

Of course, there is another reason to try to downplay or dismiss the benefits of a natural food. A study done on a cholesterol drug (funded by the drug–maker) concluded that hundreds of thousands of deaths and repeat heart attacks could be avoided if patients with normal cholesterol levels were given the drug “Pravachol.”

Researchers admitted it would take at least two years of treatment to experience any benefit. Treatment with Pravachol costs an estimated $750-900 annually. Treatment of 200,000 people would mean an estimated annual revenue of about $165 million for the drug company, Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Now, notice that the test with garlic lasted 12 weeks. Users of the drug Pravachol would not notice any benefit for at least two years. Simply another case of “Bumblebees can’t fly.”

SOURCE: Cholesterol 2, Garlic 0. UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, September 1998. Rondberg, D.C. Terry A. Under the Influence of Modern Medicine, p. 140

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